Spring League
Junior Golf

A golf league for elementary aged kids!
“Spring League” is the TN Golf Foundation’s newest junior golf program in Knoxville. This team golf concept will feature five (5) team scramble tournaments and take place on Thursdays at Concord Park Par 3 Golf Course from April 3-May 1.
The league is open to boys and girls in grades 1-5. A team is comprised of at least three players from the same or different schools and teams may be co-ed. Registration is easy and there are two options:
Option 1: Get a group of friends or classmates together and sign up as a team! You must have a minimum of three players to form a team. See registration form at bottom of page to register your team.
Option 2: Don’t have a team to join? No worries! Sign up as an individual and we will place you on a team. Email hechols@tngolf.org if you would like to sign up as an individual.
The league fee is $50/player. Each player’s league dues will be collected at the golf course on the day of the first match of the season.
Concord Park Par 3 Golf Course
League Dates: April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 (Thursdays)
Cost: $50/player
The league will be capped at nine teams.
We understand that schools dismiss at different times. We will do our best to accommodate all players involved. Matches will begin as close to 4:00 PM as possible.
Team Composition
- Each team will be comprised of at least three players (boys and girls can play on the same team)
- Players must be in the 1st-5th grade
- A team may be comprised of players from any school
- If a team has more than three players they may substitute players into the match between the play of two holes. If the team has 6+ players they may field two teams if desired.
Match Structure
- All matches are team scrambles
- Three players from a team play at a time
- If a team has more than three players they can sub in players between the play of two holes
- Double bogey max is in effect
For additional information email hechols@tngolf.org or ngosser@tngolf.org
Spring League (2025)
Team registration form for Spring League at Concord Park Par 3.
"*" indicates required fields